Filippo di Mauro

Research Activities


Founder and Chairman of CompNet, the Competitiveness Research Network

- Senior fellow at IWH Halle

- Co-director of the TSI-project with the aim to enhance the National Productivity Board's research output by expanding CompNet's micro data infrastructure.




1) Consolidate and extending a EU Micro Data Infrastructure (MDI).

2) Firm concentration and productivity. Revised and resubmit

Organisation completed in the last two years

Conference on Finance & Productivity

- Finpro 1, co-organised with EBRD on 19 - 20 October, 2019 in London, UK.

- Finpro 2, co-organised with IWH Halle and EBRD on 5-6 May, 2022 in Halle, Germany.

CompNet Data Provider Forum

- 2nd DPF: IWH, 6th - 7th May 2019, Halle (Saale), Germany

- 3rd & 4th DPF: Virtually held

- 5th DPF: IWH, 4th May, 2022

CompNet Annual Conference

- 8th Annual Conference, 18 - 19 March, 2019, at EIB Luxembourg, Luxembourg

- 9th Annual Conference, 22nd September, 2020, online

- 10th Annual Conference, 14 - 15 October, 2021, at Banque de France, Paris

- 11th Annual Conference, 14 - 15 September, 2022, at EIB & ENRI in Luxembourg, Luxembourg

TSI Workshop

- 1st TSI Workshop - 24th February 2022, in Lisbon, Portugal


        - Finpro 3, 8 - 9 June, 2023, co-organised with Bank of Italy in Rome, Italy, CEPR, EBRD & IWH (Program)

       - CEPR European Micro data Workshop, Paris 15-16 June 2023  

       - 2nd TSI Workshop & 6th Data Provider Forum (jointly held),  22 - 23 June, 2023, IWH in Halle, Germany

       - 12th CompNet Annual Conference - 19 - 20 October, 2023 in Brussels, Belgium - Call for Papers

The Economics of Firm Productivity

(with Carlo Altomonte)

Forthcoming Events